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Hi! I'm Kirsten,

Third Culture Kid & Full-time dog mum.
I live in Tokyo Singapore Bangkok Melbourne

Born in Melbourne, Australia but blessed with a passport at the age of one I grew up travelling and ultimately living life as a Third Culture Kid (TCK). Immersing and sharing cultures is the ultimate way to develop my empathetic way.

Having a strong background in Art, Visual Design and Marketing - UX Design is only the natural next step in my personal growth.

I've been a...

  • Bar Tender
  • Art Gallery Admin
  • Retail Sales Assistant
  • Duty Manager
  • Graphic Designer
  • Web Designer
  • Brand Specialist
  • Content Manager
  • Product Designer
  • Senior UX/UI Designer
Passionate about design in all forms, I am always growing my knowledge in the field leading me to do expand my skillset and stay in a constant state of growth with my career.

Adolf loos would be rolling in his grave when I say this but my UX journey started with a question.

How can I create solutions where function and form work in harmony?

I find myself looking to do more for people and transitioning visual communication design to human centered design.

Let's Talk!

The door is always open for collaboration, new connections or for receiving feedback. Get in touch!
I love meeting new and amazing people!
